Modern English–Old English dictionary

Old English translation of the English word long‐term

English → English (Old English)
EnglishEnglish (Old English) (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Most of this length was made up by the long slender tail.
(a long time; for a long time)
🔗 This will be a day long remembered.
(call; dub; name)
🔗 For instance, the creature you term a monster is in reality a harmless domesticated beast.
🔗 This year, at a once‐every‐five‐years event, China’s dictator, Xí Jìnpíng, was confirmed for a third term as general secretary of the Communist Party, president of the country, and leader of the military.

EnglishEnglish (Old English)
long lang; lange; langlice; langsum; wid

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